Youth is not eternal. This world is not eternal. This night itself will come to an end. And just as much as I'm sure of it all, I believe in the love that we have for each other, that it is as strong as the rocks beneath our feet. And come what may, i shall stand by him. Because it is that sparkle of those brown eyes, playfulness of those brown curls, liveliness of that toothed smile, silliness of his stupid talks, deepness of his untamed love and charm of his aura around me. And if we're not fated to be together, if by the worst of fate, we lose track and this relationship breaks (which I pray would never), I doubt, I'd ever feel the same again, be this happy again. I might probably take fifty years to find another love or even never find it again. It would be next to impossible to outshine the standard he's set. Sinners don't pray Sinners aren't good But God, if you've got mercy God, if you've got grace Keep this guy safe with me Then I...